The History of the Police Unity Tour
The primary purpose of the Police Unity Tour is to raise awareness of Law Enforcement Officers who have died in the line of duty.
The secondary purpose of the UK tour is to raise funds for Care of Police Survivors, a U.K charity dedicated to helping the families of police officers who have lost their lives on duty.
We are proud to be part of the Police Unity Tour and humbled by the opportunity to “Ride for Those Who Died!“

The National Memorial Arboretum
Each year, the Police Unity Tour concludes at the National Memorial Arboretum, a national site of remembrance in Lichfield, Staffordshire to coincide with The Care of Police Survicors Annual Service of Remembrance.
There is hosted the UK Police Memorial honeouring those who lost their lives serving and protecting communities across the UK. The grove is lined with chestnut trees, paying homage to the original wooden policemans truncheon made of this variety of wood. Each tree represents an indivdual police force.
Alongside the Police Unity Tour, the event is widely attended by representatives of the UK Police Service, staff associations and the wider police family but all are welcome to pay their respects.
More information about the Annual Service and Survivors Weekend is available here.

The 2025 UK Police Unity Tour
Planning in now well underway for the 2025 UK Police Unity Tour.
Such is its growing success; the demand for places and wish to support the tour has become overwheming and so the UK tour has now formed a number of Chapters in line with the American tour. In 2021, we were incredibly proud to announce that a record number of 13 regional chapters took part in the tour demonstrating continued year on year growth.
Registration is now available for each of the tour chapters online making it quick and simple for those wishing to take part to complete the enrolment process.
There are many other ways that you can show your support for the 2025 Police Unity Tour and support the extraordinary work undertaken by Care of Police Survivors (COPS).